Last update: 4 September, 2005
Origin: Science
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: 31
Super Group: D.E.F.E.N.S.E. Incorporated
Rank: Field Agent
Blurg not know who Blurg am, only him am tough. Blurg always tough, but smart doctor make him even tougher, only now him blue too. Maybe him always blue, Blurg not sure, but Blurg like blue now so him wear blue clothes too. Mainly Blurg just like to beat up bad guys though.
Invulnerability: Resist Physical Damage, Unyielding, Resist Elements, Resist Energy, Tough Skin, Invincibility
Energy Melee: Barrage, Energy Punch, Taunt, Whirling Hands
Leaping: Combat Jumping, Super Jump
Fitness: Swift, Health, Stamina
Flight: Air Superiority
Leadership: Maneuvers
Exploration: Hero Corps Insider, Patriot, Vigorous, Hero Corps Recruit
Accomplishment: Negotiator, Spelunker, Pwnz
Achievement: Devilfish, Tourist, Tough, Indestructible, Protector of Innocents, Keeper of the Peace, Bonecrusher, Kill Skuls
Accolates: Celebrant
The Disciples of Eth, The Defense League, and all related characters and situations - copyright ©1982-2006 C. Scott Davis
D.E.F.E.N.S.E. Incorporated and related characters and situations - copyright ©2005-2006 C. Scott Davis and Joel Byers
City of Heroes® Cryptic Studios, Inc. and NCsoft Corporation.